Fort Wayne Pet Food Pantry
We are a drop off site for the Fort Wayne Pet Food Pantry a local organization that collect pet foods and other items in an effort to help families in need to keep their pets at home.
In 2016, their biggest year, they served 23,658 pounds of dry pet food and 11,589 cans in our area, helping to keep pets at home with their families. It's as simple as picking up an extra bag at the store and dropping it off in the collection bin at our office. They will even accept open bags if you have food that is no longer being used. We really appreciate the opportunity to show that our clients and the community truly love and support local furry families! |
Employment Opportunities
We are always glad to accept resumes from enthusiastic, hard working, dependable, team-oriented people who wish to join our team of veterinary health care professionals. Some of our positions include:
Hospital Policies
Appointment Policy
To allow ample time for all patients and scheduled procedures, we operate primarily by appointment. Emergency cases shall always receive top priority, which is why occasional appointment delays are inevitable. Please realize that we make a sincere attempt to see each client on time. Patient Arrival Policy
Payment Policy We require full payment at the time of service. For your convenience, we accept:
Privacy Policy
We do not collect or give out any information to any third party vendors or internet businesses. No information will ever be disclosed to outside parties from us or our website hosting company.
It's that simple! And we strictly adhere to this policy. We recognize the importance of protecting the personal privacy of our clients, patients, and those individuals who simply visit our site. Your privacy is also protected in our hospital. At no time is any information given out about the client or the pet without the consent of the owner. |
101 Thing You Didn't Know Could Harm Your Pet
This website is produced by the ASPCA, and includes information about common hazards and tips to handle an emergency. Also included on this webpage is a link to contact information for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.
There's an app for that! The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has an app available for Google and iPhone operating systems. Did you know that some types of chocolate are more toxic then others? Here is a wonderful chocolate toxicity calculator. This is a great tool for when we are not available. Don't forget that the emergency clinic is available 24 hours a day. |
AVMA Recall News
The American Veterinary Medical Association is the go to source for all things animal in the U.S. Below are the links for information regarding recalls.
Information for New Pet Parents
For the convenience of our new pet parents, we have put together tips and information that is important for you and your pet. We are always looking to improve the information and keep up with the latest information. As a result, there may be new information available. This information is not just for new pet parents, there are always new and fun things for your existing pets! Please note: These pages are currently under construction.